Monday, March 12, 2012

A crazy little play called Marat/Sade

Last weekend Marat/Sade or The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade closed at The Empty Space.Marat/Sade is a fictional story set in an French asylum in 1808. The Marquis de Sade has written a play and the director of the asylum is having the inmates perform it for the public as part of their "therapy" and "rehabilitation."

For me when a show I have directed closes I am both happy and sad. Happy that a project is complete and sad that I won't get to see a great bunch of people I have spent the last few months with. I hate to admit it, but this time around I was more happy than sad. Not because I was glad to be rid of all of my "crazies", but more because this show was so completely and utterly draining. Because not only did I direct it (Co-directed with Eric), I also had a small role in it. 

In the past when I have acted before I had "down time" during the show. Time that was spent going over the next scene, breathing, catching my breath, getting a drink, going pee...anything else but being on stage. This time around there was no such thing as down time. From the minute the doors open every single actor in the production was "on". They were in character and interacting with the arriving audience members and with each other.

It was harder than one could expect. Each one of us on stage had to be constantly moving. Crazy people don't really sit still. To help the actors prepare Eric and I had a total of 11 weeks of rehearsal. Not everyone in the cast attended. They were only called as they were needed. The actors that sang attended the music rehearsals, the lead characters met at least once a week for the first 8 weeks to work on their character. All of the cast had to attend stage combat work shops so we could be sure that no one would get hurt during all the craziness. The actors even had to go through accent training. Sadly, not enough time was spent on the accent workshops and the accents were cut because many of them were muddled and inconsistent.

During the first couple weeks of rehearsal we lost 5 actors. Either due to time constraints or because they were intimidated by the show. We also had 3 people turn down one of the lead roles because the script seemed too intense and artsy. So we had to move around some of our actors and I had to step into the role of an inmate called "Mad Dog". I was essentially an insane sociopath that wanted to kill the director of the hospital.

I was told by more than a few people that I played crazy very well.

Now that I think about it I'm not sure how to take that.

One of my favorite comments was that I gave someone nightmares.

But I can not stress how hard doing this show was. To be utterly insane for almost two hours was draining. Like running 15 miles draining. It was also worth every bit of blood, sweat and tears I put into it. 

I can honestly say I am so proud of every one of my cast members. Each of them started researching their character after they were cast. Each of them worked on their own outside of rehearsal. The singing quartet not only learned their music, stage combat and accents, but they also learned how to perform Acrobatic Yoga. I know I usually work my actors hard. From character development to opening night there is a lot of work that I ask of my actors. Usually because I like to cast very green actors because they always bring something fresh to the table and I know that I won't have to deal with old bad habits that they may have developed. 

Sometimes this works out great. Sometimes not. This time around it worked out phenomenally.

The young man that portrayed the inmate portraying Jean Paul Marat was not necessarily new to the stage. He was new to such a large and important role. His name is Morgan Von Sydow. And he was simply brilliant. It is a rare thing to come across an actor that is a natural at what they do. It is rare to find an actor that is willing to completely immerse themselves into a role. I want to take a moment to thank Morgan especially for the work he did in Marat/Sade. Some people are born to play certain roles and I could not have imagined anyone else in this role. Bravo to you Morgan. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Now the rest of the cast was a different situation. 


I am so thankful for all of you. Really. Everyone really pitched in a helped with so many things. Robyn and her friend Kim with the costumes, Robyn with helping everyone get their makeup on every night, Matt, Tsunami, Danny and Amanda for staying late MULTIPLE nights to help build or clear or paint. One night Danny, Amanda and Tsunami stayed to help paint, not for the show, but because the theater needed to be painted. And on another night they stayed AGAIN to help Eric build the set for THE MIRACLE WORKER that was going up the week before we opened. 

We had a simply amazing cast. I can not stress enough just how thankful I am to each and every one of you.

And thank you to everyone that made it out to be a part of the audience. I hope we didn't scare you too much. And I hope even if you did not understand what was going on that you were at least entertained.

Also my beloved crazy cast, I wanted to pass on a few of the comments I received regarding your performances.

"Amazing. Simply Amazing. I'm so happy I was able to see and so freaking angry I was not in it. I never should have turned down that role." -Jack Slider

"That the play I saw at 11pm Saturday night was the first thing I thought of this morning. I'm still rejoicing in your victory!" - Mark Price

"..the best play I ever saw at the Empty Space in Bakersfield... It has a Great Cast!" - Cameron Brian

"There wasn't a bad performance in the whole show. The loons were perfectly loonie, the perverts and sadists were perfectly perverted and sadistic, the schizophrenics and paranoics perfectly schitzie and paranoid...seriously, great job. " - Susan Castro

"That wasn't a show. That was an experience." - Unknown audience member that stopped me after the show.

"I didn't know what was going on, but I couldn't stop watching. It was pretty amazing, thank you." Unknown audience member that stopped me after the show.

And there were so many more, but it is getting very late and after spending the last few weeks going to bed at about 3am and waking up at 8am my body is telling me to call it a night.

Good night all.

Be good to each other.

Love, Sunshine and Happiness


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm so ridiculously angry right now.

When most people feel pain and anguish I feel anger. Sure I have that initial pangs of hurt, but it soon turns to anger, usually after I cry about it for a minute,

I have tried to adopt a happier disposition. I have, really. I am trying to stay positive. I am taking up meditation again. Focusing on the inner me, but something happens it seems daily that just has to knock me back twelve steps.

Maybe I should take up martial arts again. Maybe hitting a sand bag will make me feel better.

I don't know.

I guess to know I will first have to understand people. One person actually. And no matter how hard I have tried I don't. I don't understand their actions. I don't understand the shit that comes out of their mouths. I don't understand them.

At all.

It boggles my mind.

Soon after my mind is boggled the anger comes.

I had a problem taking out my anger when I was younger on those around me. I would lash out. But my mom quickly taught me that just because I am having a shit day it does not give me the right to spread my shitty attitude to anyone that was unfortunate to cross my path.

I hold that lesson dear. No one should suffer because I am angry.

Why doesn't everyone else's mom teach them this lesson.

And for that matter why doesn't everyone else's mom teach them to keep a promise.

I don't make promises very often because I refuse to break a promise.

Maybe I am loyal to a fault.

Maybe I should finally take my mom's advice and worry about my happiness first before anyone else's.

We all should realize that most of the advice that our mothers gave us is true and we should have listened way before the age of 33.

I know I am being vague and I promise to divulge more later. I'm just not ready.

Right now I'm pissed.

And its giving me a headache :/

Thanks for letting me rant.

Be good to each other.

Hug a stranger and be kind to someone just because.

Peace, Love and Sunshine


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

some fundamental truths about myself

I've finally come to terms with some fundamental truths about myself.

Try as I might, I am NOT "laid-back".

I am passionate, and I don't have much patience for those who aren't. 

My passion can make me seem volatile. 

Unfortunately I'm passionate about a lot of things.

I expect people to KEEP. UP. 

I can't comprehend when people refuse to make time for the things that they say they love.

I believe that if you truly WANT to do something you WILL make time to do it. Sleeping be 


I CANNOT idle in neutral; I live in overdrive. Stop trying to make me go slower. I 

don't know how.

I don't demand anything from anyone that I don't demand from myself.


Even though I know I can't I still want to save the world and everyone in it.

It sometimes makes me sad that I can't.

Just because I can't doesn't mean that I will ever stop trying.

It has taken me 33 years to finally accept that not everyone will like me and for 

me to be okay with it.

Not caring that not everyone will like me makes it very easy for me to say what is on my 


The above has made me less volatile.

My life is an open book. If you want to know something just ask. If it is something that is 

relevant to you or I think you should know I will answer you truthfully. If I think it is none of 

your damn business I will state so. But slightly more politely. 

Most of the time I will tell you regardless if I think you should know of not. 

My life is pretty uneventful. To me at least. So I see no reason to lie about 


Because of the above I am still surprised when I hear rumors/gossip about myself.

I don't care when people talk ill of me. In the past it used to make me want to crawl in a 

hole and stay there forever. Now? Not so much.

But spread lies about someone I care about and I have no issue bitch slapping 


Figuratively or literally.

The same goes if you hurt someone I care about.

When I decide to not like someone it will take an act of God to make me change my mind 

about them. Because usually there is a reason I don't like them and I don't like to be proven


When I say I don't want to do something I mean it.

When I say I WANT to do something I mean it. 

People need to stop asking "am I sure" when I give them an answer.

I believe that people should be told when they continue to do 

something wrong or when they are being an asshole to the world in general. If 

you don't say anything it is like firing someone for doing something that you 

never told them was wrong. How are we going to grow as people if no one ever 

tells us we are failing?

I have NO problem being the person to tell them.

I am a completely generous, spoiled rotten brat.

I am vain.

I have a pretty big ego.

I have terrible self esteem.

I strive to be as humble as possible.

I am a contradiction to myself. I know.

I'm bossy.

I try to not be bossy and it is very difficult.

I made a promise to myself a month ago to stop feeling bad for myself, to stop being 

depressed, to stop allowing others be rude to me when I am overly polite to them and to 

stop allowing others to expect the moon and stars from me when they only want to give me 

a pat on the head in return.

So far I have kept my promise. 

I don't think the above has been easy for some people to accept.  And I don't really care.

This is my warning label.

Deal with it or move on.