Tuesday, March 6, 2012

some fundamental truths about myself

I've finally come to terms with some fundamental truths about myself.

Try as I might, I am NOT "laid-back".

I am passionate, and I don't have much patience for those who aren't. 

My passion can make me seem volatile. 

Unfortunately I'm passionate about a lot of things.

I expect people to KEEP. UP. 

I can't comprehend when people refuse to make time for the things that they say they love.

I believe that if you truly WANT to do something you WILL make time to do it. Sleeping be 


I CANNOT idle in neutral; I live in overdrive. Stop trying to make me go slower. I 

don't know how.

I don't demand anything from anyone that I don't demand from myself.


Even though I know I can't I still want to save the world and everyone in it.

It sometimes makes me sad that I can't.

Just because I can't doesn't mean that I will ever stop trying.

It has taken me 33 years to finally accept that not everyone will like me and for 

me to be okay with it.

Not caring that not everyone will like me makes it very easy for me to say what is on my 


The above has made me less volatile.

My life is an open book. If you want to know something just ask. If it is something that is 

relevant to you or I think you should know I will answer you truthfully. If I think it is none of 

your damn business I will state so. But slightly more politely. 

Most of the time I will tell you regardless if I think you should know of not. 

My life is pretty uneventful. To me at least. So I see no reason to lie about 


Because of the above I am still surprised when I hear rumors/gossip about myself.

I don't care when people talk ill of me. In the past it used to make me want to crawl in a 

hole and stay there forever. Now? Not so much.

But spread lies about someone I care about and I have no issue bitch slapping 


Figuratively or literally.

The same goes if you hurt someone I care about.

When I decide to not like someone it will take an act of God to make me change my mind 

about them. Because usually there is a reason I don't like them and I don't like to be proven


When I say I don't want to do something I mean it.

When I say I WANT to do something I mean it. 

People need to stop asking "am I sure" when I give them an answer.

I believe that people should be told when they continue to do 

something wrong or when they are being an asshole to the world in general. If 

you don't say anything it is like firing someone for doing something that you 

never told them was wrong. How are we going to grow as people if no one ever 

tells us we are failing?

I have NO problem being the person to tell them.

I am a completely generous, spoiled rotten brat.

I am vain.

I have a pretty big ego.

I have terrible self esteem.

I strive to be as humble as possible.

I am a contradiction to myself. I know.

I'm bossy.

I try to not be bossy and it is very difficult.

I made a promise to myself a month ago to stop feeling bad for myself, to stop being 

depressed, to stop allowing others be rude to me when I am overly polite to them and to 

stop allowing others to expect the moon and stars from me when they only want to give me 

a pat on the head in return.

So far I have kept my promise. 

I don't think the above has been easy for some people to accept.  And I don't really care.

This is my warning label.

Deal with it or move on.


  1. This makes me want to hug you... *mind hug*

  2. Mind hugs back at you friend :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ditto what Keely said. And you forgot to list that you are incredibly awesome.

  5. Thanks Meg. I think I could use all the hugs I can get. :D
